Blessings for Holy Week

Dear Friends,
As we all know, we are coming up on one of the most important weeks of the year for Catholics around the world: Holy Week. It is a powerful time of reflection and remembrance that marks Jesus’ crucifixion, death, and resurrection.
Beginning on Palm Sunday, and culminating at Easter Vigil, the heart of Holy Week consists of three sacred days – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday - each with its own history, traditions, and special significance.
On Palm Sunday, we commemorate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, with palm leaves strewn at His feet, by cheering crowds waving palm branches. This serves as an invitation to reflect on our own acts of charity towards others in imitation of Jesus’ ultimate act of love for humanity.
Maundy Thursday reminds us how Jesus washed his disciples’ feet at The Last Supper in an act of humility and service, which calls us to imitate Him in this same way today. On this day, churches worldwide may hold services such as: Masses dedicated to the Lord’s Supper, processions involving washing feet, or reserved Eucharist as visible symbols for commemorating this event.
Good Friday is focused on the remembrance of Christ's passion and death upon a cross for all mankind's sins. Churches worldwide observe this incredibly solemn day with long periods of silence in recognition of our grief for this great loss, while still moving joyfully ahead to Easter Sunday, when we experience His glorious return from death.
Holy Saturday marks the day between Jesus’ death on Good Friday and His glorious resurrection on Easter Sunday. It is a significant time for reflection, prayer, and waiting in anticipation of His Resurrection. It was during this time that Jesus descended into hell to free those who had gone before Him This special day also celebrates how Jesus conquered death so that we may share in His victory over sin and have eternal life.
We are thankful that our business has been a part of your customers' liturgical traditions for over 70 years, and we look forward to continuing that friendship during this blessed time and well into the future. We wish you a meaningful and poignant Holy Week full of blessings, grace, and peace.
In His Holy name,
Your Lumen Mundi and Devon Teams