Happy Father's Day

As those of us blessed with children know, fatherhood does not come with a manual; but we are blessed with loving examples of fatherhood from Saint Joseph and, more importantly, the father of us all. Our loving God, who gives us life and teaches us love, who will always teach justly and grant us boundless mercy.
As we honor fathers next month, we also pray for them. A father’s love gives us security and safety. Dads are works in progress, and we hope and pray, saints in the making! They have taught us persistence and the power of love.
A father’s example is critical to all children and, whether our fathers are ours from by birth or adoption, they are men who love us and support us throughout our life.
So, as we head into this important day, take the time to order today so you can help your customers celebrate those special men who hold the title of father. Father’s come in many forms and are called in a special way: whether they are our priests and bishops who act as spiritual fathers, those fathers through birth or adoption, or simply those that fill the important role as uncles, brothers, or any other important man in a child’s life, we should celebrate all fathers on this special day in June!
Yours In Christ,
Gabrielle and the Lumen Mundi Team