Veteran's Day 2022

We must never forget those who give so much!
There is a saying amongst those who serve in combat, “There are no atheists in the foxholes.” Faith is essential to all who serve. Faith in their cause, in their nation, in their fellow service members, and faith in their God. Faith that their purpose is noble, and that God will provide for their safety, comfort, protection of those they love, and faith that they will return home safely, especially when they serve far from home.
As Catholics, we need to pray for all, but, specifically for those who serve. We need to ask the Saints to intervene on our behalf, to protect and fortify those who sacrifice for us and for our nation. We need to pray for the comfort of those who serve, and for comfort and protection for their families.
Veterans Day in the United States, on November 11th, has beginnings in the armistice that ended World War I hostilities in 1918. The armistice between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed thereafter that November 11th be observed as "Armistice Day." In 1954, Congress passed legislation that renamed the federal holiday "Veterans Day" in recognition of the service of veterans in all U.S. Wars.
On this day, we honor the sacrifices of all Veterans. We remember their willingness to answer the call of service, and pray that we may honor their commitment with our own commitment to remember them, not just on Veterans Day, but always.
The Lumen Mundi family thanks our veterans – not only for their service, but also for their undying commitment to each of us and our nation! Blessings to them and their families today and always.