Lumen Mundi Blog

March 21, 2019

Welcome to the 3rd installment of our Lumen Mundi “Get to Know your Team” series. Today, we will be introducing you to YOUR Warehouse Team:

In this week’s “Get To Know Your Team” series, we are proud to feature your warehouse team: Phil, Shane, Chucky and Benard (in order, from left to right.) These four gentlemen work tirelessly, day after day, ensuring that our products are picked, packed, and shipped with tender loving care.  While you may not ever speak to them, or even hear their names, rest assured that they are a critical part of the Lumen Mundi team and they ensure our customers are taken care of from behind the scenes.  Between the four of them, under Chucky and Shane’s lead, they are responsible for managing over 5,000 SKU’s in our Florida warehouse and juggle hundreds of inbound and outbound shipments each and every day.  
Chucky, Shane, and Phil all have their roots in the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, though only Chucky was born there; Shane was born in Florida; Phil was born in Brooklyn, NY; and Benard is from Kenya.  Chucky has been with Lumen Mundi for almost six (6) years, Shane has been with us for almost three (3) years and Phil just joined a year and a half ago.  Benard is the newest member of the warehouse team and joined us in January of this year to meet the needs of the business and ensure your orders leave our warehouse as quickly and accurately as possible. Your entire warehouse team has a passion for Lumen Mundi and more importantly for you, our customer!  
Tokens continue to be one of our most popular products and we continue to create new designs and styles every year to add to our current collection of 300+.  Over the past 26 years, the warehouse team has shipped over 5 million tokens.  To thank you for helping us to achieve this milestone, this week’s special involves tokens!  If you buy 10 bags of silver-tone, stock (non-custom) tokens, our gift to you is ONE FREE BAG!  Use code WH2019 or mention this e-blast to take advantage of this promotion on or before Monday, March 25th.
Call us at 888-844-0215 or visit our web site today at www.lumenmundi.comto take advantage of this limited time offer.  Free tokens are waiting for you, and as always, thank you for your business!

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A Story of Faith
November 07, 2018

A Story of Faith

Please join us in a story of faith:

Frank, one of our Lumen Mundi Sales Reps, was corresponding with one of our customers in the Pacific; she was recently in harm’s way from the Super Typhoon Yutu.  Her story of faith and of commitment touched us, and I want to share it with our customers. 

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Healing Saints
October 29, 2018

Healing Saints

In our modern idiom, we would say that when it came to helping others, John of God had no brakes. His fidelity to the grace of God dominated his being and guided his actions. Perhaps the best-known of the many miracles associated with him is his rescue of the patients in a burning hospital. At one point a roof collapse plunged him into the heart of the flames, but he emerged unscathed.

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Who are the Healing Saints?
February 16, 2018

Who are the Healing Saints?

Many people can tell you how powerful Pray can be. Maintaining faith in God’s will can be very difficult during trying times in our life, but through prayer we are able to find strength. Sometimes we need more than just our own prays to guide us through. Catholic have turned to the Healing Saints for particularly difficult issues. Healing [...]

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Whats So Great About Pocket Tokens?
February 09, 2018

Whats So Great About Pocket Tokens?

Pocket tokens have always been one of our best sellers at Lumen Mundi. There are many reasons why people love these items both as gifts and keepsakes for themselves. We wanted to share some of the most common questions we get about our Pocket Tokens. Q: What is a Pocket Token?A: Our Pocket Tokens are 1-1/4-inch tokens [...]

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Saint Benedict Door Rosary
January 25, 2018

Saint Benedict Door Rosary

What is a Door Rosary? Our Saint Benedict Door Rosary is one of our most unique items. With 23 mm beads the Door Rosary is designed to fit around most door knobs. It is intended to be Placed on the door knob of the entry door of a room. It like many traditional Saint Benedict items is meant to [...]

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January 19, 2018

Saint Benedict Display

Choosing products to carry in your store can be difficult, especially when you are trying to figure out how you want to display it. A great option are pre-assembled displays.Pre-assembled displays are display units with pre-selected products assigned to them. The location and quantity of each item on the display is chosen for you. They usually come with easy [...]

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DIY - Pocket Shrine
November 25, 2015

DIY - Pocket Shrine

Shrines have been part of the Catholic church for a millennia. Found in many churches, or Holy locations they are intended to be a place of quiet and focused Prayer. Often focused around a Saint or Devotional, shrines are places where we as Christians can learn from those who have come before us,  to follow [...]

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